- Details
- Written by: NØTTL
Change Log
- Map: Fixed bug where QRZ return paths were not displaying
- Windows: Fixed scaling issues when using multiple monitors with different scaling options
- Window sizes and positions will need to be adjusted once for those affected
- Details
- Written by: NØTTL
Change Log
- App: Animate Active Paths moved from Ctrl-A to Ctrl-J
- App: Conditions Window Toggle moved from Ctrl-C to Ctrl-E
- App: Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V reserved for Select All, Copy, Paste for text inputs
- App: New Settings -> Features -> CR Wanted+Audio Alerts Band+Mode Memory
- App: Added JTDX installation search if WSJT-X installation not found
- App: Fixed issue where some windows that were on the edge of screen not being restored
- Call Roster: Fixed Callsign hover "Callsign"
- Screenshot: Ctrl-K writes PNG to appData Screenshots folder, in addition to copy to clipboard
- WSJT-X: Fixed improper parsing of DL60RRDXA and PC38EUDX callsigns
- Details
- Written by: NØTTL
Change Log
- App: Now available in 32bit for Windows 10
- App: Properly save/restore window positions and open status on all platforms
- App: Fixed halt on "Initialized Map Settings"
- App: "Extra Media" folder read at startup for user media files
- Linux (.config/GridTracker2)
- WIndows (\Users\{UserName}\AppData\Roaming\GridTracker2)
- Mac (Library/Application Support/GridTracker2)
- ADIF: Loading logs of any case/extension allowed provided they are in ADIF format
- ACLog: Supports "Connect?" when enabled; tracks rig changes
- System: ADIF log loading order serialized
- Hotkeys: Toggle Call Roster window now Ctrl-F
- Details
- Written by: NØTTL
Change Log
- App: Now on Electron engine; faster, runs on many more platforms (including Raspberry Pi 5 and Steamdeck)
- App: Now auto-updates
- App: Buttons and Columns can now be moved by simply left-click and drag
- App: Rarely used buttons removed and control moved to Settings -> Features
- BigCTY: Now auto-updates
- Map: New Azimuthal Equidistance projection (AEQD) (First button in the button panel)
- Spotting: PSK-Reporter MQTT real-time spotting
- Alerts: Audio Alerts now synchronized with Call Roster
- Logging: N3FJP AC Log downloading
- Call Roster: 'CQ' DX Marathon now its own entity (DXM)
- Stats: Scores -> DX Marathon score added
- Fixed: Call Roster, POTA, Award Tracker and other bugs squashed
- Hotkeys: Alpha keys require CtrlKey, check the F1 hotkey list for changes